As a cradle Catholic, this article was so difficult to read. I cannot begin to imagine the angst of those who wrote it. The proposed event is nothing short of scandalous. A few short decades ago it would have been unimaginable. As our world tumbles into obfustication as the norm, we must remember that the church is not a group of self-serving, misdirected individuals who scurry like ants to win the favor of their superiors and peers. The church is Christ Himself, the unblemished lamb, full of mercy and kindness. It is upon Him that our focus must remain.
As a cradle Catholic, this article was so difficult to read. I cannot begin to imagine the angst of those who wrote it. The proposed event is nothing short of scandalous. A few short decades ago it would have been unimaginable. As our world tumbles into obfustication as the norm, we must remember that the church is not a group of self-serving, misdirected individuals who scurry like ants to win the favor of their superiors and peers. The church is Christ Himself, the unblemished lamb, full of mercy and kindness. It is upon Him that our focus must remain.