It's been bothering me so much that I look like a crazy person to all my Canadian friends just for believing non-mainstream news/keeping up with the Q crowd. But it dawned on me that before they thought I was crazy, nobody listened to a word I said. Now they scoff at it, but at least they talk about it.
Scoffing at things until I realized I was wrong is basically how I woke up to the truth, so this makes sense to me, at least. Thought it was worth sharing in case it encourages someone else.
Yep, I've had a number of people in recent years tell me exactly that - "I used to thing you were crazy and now I see that it's all true".
What really shocked me was that they are all such polite people that I never realized they ever thought I was crazy! XD
And what made me laugh was knowing they strangely kept reading what I was posting even while they thought it was nuts. Now why on earth would they do that?!
Because craziness sparks our curiosity. Embrace the crazy label! It means you're interesting ;)