When I was a kid, I read stories from the Bible with my family just like many other kids. And I had questions.
For instance: If Adam and Eve never ate the fruit, then they would never need a Savior, and so Jesus would never need to come to reclaim mankind from sin. So why didn't Satan just leave Adam and Eve in the garden for all eternity, thus frustrating the whole necessity of Jesus Christ to begin with?
Or when Jesus was on the earth, why didn't Satan just stay out of his way? If Jesus never hung and bled from the cross, he could never redeem mankind. The worst possible result in Jesus' life was for everyone to bow down and worship him. He would never get to demonstrate his love for fallen man.
So many things like this occur in the Bible. Satan's attempt to change Job into a creature that would curse God and wish to die only ended up bringing Job closer to God, and to reveal more of his mind and will to mankind. David's Goliath brought David from a shepherd to a leader in Israel. Canaan's wickedness gave rise to justification for God to purge the land and give it to Israel.
In so many cases, if Satan just stopped being Satan for 5 minutes, God's plan could've been frustrated.
And you can look throughout the world for more examples of insanity, even in this modern age. Had the Japanese not bombed Pearl Harbor, not only would Japan become a dominant power in the Pacific, but Hitler may have won WWII. Had Hitler not invaded France, he would've only had to deal with the Russians and not the allied forces. And so on and so on...
The reason why I tell you this is because you who have come to understand God's love, even in part, will find the thought process of people ensnared by Satan's influence to be mystifying. That said, it is imperative that you understand it. It is not possible for evil people to understand good people, but good people can and should understand evil people. (The darkness cannot comprehend the light.)
The first barrier to understanding evil is admitting to yourself that evil exists. The exact cause of evil isn't important for this discussion, only that something somewhere is evil and it is influencing people to do evil things. Whether you blame George Soros or Satan for the evil in the world is really not very important, but you must have a clear understanding that there is evil and it is very real.
The next barrier is understanding what motivates evil. Why does evil do what it does? "Good" thinking is constructive. "I want to drive a Lamborghini, so I am going to work hard and build an ice cream store that everyone loves to bring their family to". "Evil" thinking is destructive. "If I can't drive a Lamborghini, then NO ONE CAN!"
The story of the baby in King Solomon's court is very enlightening. There were two women living together (probably prostitutes) and they each had a son. One of the sons died, and both women claimed the survivor as their own. When they were brought to King Solomon, he ordered the baby be cut in two and each half given to each woman. As a result, one woman was delighted and eager to see the baby killed, while the other begged King Solomon to give the baby to the other rather than kill it. Obviously, the woman who begged for the child's life was found to be the mother in this case. (Even if she wasn't, she was the only woman deserving to be called mother!)
This destructive impulse, this desire to hurt and destroy, is the true motivating factor behind all of the world's political philosophies except one. It is the true motivating factor behind much of the business world -- and when you see it, you will be disgusted by it. (If you do know businessmen who are creative rather than destructive, you should hold on to them.)
Be careful, though. Satan would love to deceive us and confuse the destructive impulse with justice. Justice is destruction done in accordance with the law, to reconcile some evil already done. IE, execute the murderer as he has murdered and life is required for life. Restore the property (and then some) to the victim at the expense of the thief. Justice is the last resort when there is evil and nothing can be done to rectify the situation.
That's why you hear angry mobs marching down the street destroying everything shouting "Justice!" But there is no justice in harming innocent people, or taking your vengeance upon a group of unrelated people. That is just pure evil.
Keep this in mind. The end game for the evil elements in our society is not victory. They do not want to "win". They want to destroy. They want to destroy everything they can. They might lie to themselves and tell them it is a precursor to creation, or justice, or some other pablum, but at the heart is the desire to see the world burn.
And that should explain most of what the deep state and cabal is doing right now. They are not trying to preserve themselves, or create a situation where they can rule.
They just want to kill everyone.
I admit that from the Japanese and German perspectives what they did made a lot of sense. What I'm trying to show is that had they chosen a less belligerent route it may have ended quite differently. Certainly, the forces that pull nations into war with each other are not godly.
99% of humanity wants to live in peace. There's evidence of this countless times throughout history in warfare. My favorite is the story of Christmas Day during WWI when the soldiers met out in no-man's-land and celebrated. They weren't enemies, just being told what to do by their governments.