I didn't swear an oath. Did any of us swear a "QAnon" oath? The ONLY oath I've ever sworn to uphold was to protect and defend the United States of America and The U.S. Constitution from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear TRUE FAITH AND ALLEGIANCE to The People. I took that oath on 2/14/1995. I don't see any mention of "QAnon" in there. And I don't recall any mention of an oath to "QAnon" at any time since.
I didn't swear an oath. Did any of us swear a "QAnon" oath? The ONLY oath I've ever sworn to uphold was to protect and defend the United States of America and The U.S. Constitution from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear TRUE FAITH AND ALLEGIANCE to The People. I took that oath on 2/14/1995. I don't see any mention of "QAnon" in there. And I don't recall any mention of an oath to "QAnon" at any time since.