I feel like I’m in a torture chamber… New lock down rules so severe… Can’t even leave the province - there will be checkpoints. Police can stop anyone for no reason now. Not allowed to be outside or inside with anyone that is not in your household. Can’t leave vicinity of your home. Very restricted shopping options - Many isles blocked off and cash registers won’t even scan items considered illegal to buy now.. Including notebooks and bicycle helmets. Solicitor General Encouraging people to snitch. Many residents cheering this move on. Vaccine commercials are nonstop. Yes we have hotspots in province but as an example there is a city called Waterloo, population 600,000 where there are four people in ICU and 10 people in the hospital with Covid. Same rules. Please… Make this stop! When justice comes I don’t think any politician here is going to survive with their lives! That’s all I look forward to.
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The case number is meaningless unless you separate asymptotic vs symptomatic. For all we know the majority have no or very very mild symptoms. They have increased mandatory testing, so people are not getting tested who are feeling sick. Ontario has not decreased the PCR CT number as even recommended by WHO. We are still 38-40 so how many false positives. What is telling is the low death count - much lower than first wave which was not that bad to begin with. We are being scammed.
I would say the case numbers were heading up much faster this "wave" but I was expecting to see a big spike today (being a Sunday) and it was not a jump as I thought, still I just want his to be over.
I just hope the vaccines are effective against this damn variant and we can get back to life pre-covid. Got a kid who just turned 7 last week, its her second B-day without having friends over to have fun and enjoy her childhood.
It's just getting to be stupid. If they want to just shut down everything and lock out everyone and stop this thing out, they should have done this a year ago, like other countries, instead we have the local PCs fucking it up, and the federal liberals failing to get the resources from the companies.