February 26, 2018 – FedEx Corporation’s positions on the issues of gun policy and safety differ from those of the National Rifle Association (NRA). FedEx opposes assault rifles being in the hands of civilians. While we strongly support the constitutional right of U.S. citizens to own firearms subject to appropriate background checks, FedEx views assault rifles and large capacity magazines as an inherent potential danger to schools, workplaces, and communities when such weapons are misused.
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Im still trying to figure out what an assault rifle is? Or who would assault anyone when they have a rifle? Just seems counterintuitive to me..
This really makes me wanna put a wooden stock on a 5.56. Little do they know a wooden stock only adds to my distance precision... muhahahaha
When you run out of ammo, and just use it as a blunt object...
I'll use it as a Kancho tool. probably more effective against this enemy... ouch.
Haha. I had a Japanese GF that liked me to giver he Kancho
I agree . An assault weapon could be the 34" Louisville Slugger.
Throw ya some 6 inch deck screws in that...
I have the Willie Stargell autograph model.
It was for me back in 1980 (had a miniature one 14 inches or so) ...did some serious damage...they think of me everytime they part their hair....I was found not guilty due to defending myself...Ah the memories!
The right to bear arms, “Shall not be infringed “ period. They want to start with assault rifles, then they just go down the line from there....
They really go for rifles, it will end there. Plan won't be required. 23 million vets, 100 million gun owners, not to mention the LEO and military that won't back them along with a trillion rounds of ammo against an enemy where most of them don't know which bathroom to use. My bets are on the Patriots.
I agree.....but people overlook the word “infringed” , which means they cannot go for anything. I’m not worried about it, it’s just the principle. The plan will happen before anything comes of this. haha...”don’t know which bathroom to use”
None of these "woke" business here in the past month do either.. eyes on