I know we all hate twitter but Q often reminds us that twitter is a major tool for the DS. Personally I view this is a potential major happening. Not to mention twitter going down was within 3 or 4 days of a three year delta literally talking about twitter being down. I guess more than anything I’m surprised this isn’t getting as much attention here as I thought it would. Add in the fact that we seem to be receiving comms from Pompeo,Scavino and Grassely regularly and quite possibly the different military branches, all via twitter. Could we be looking at RED2 and the comm blackout?
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It's not really the hopium that's bad because it does lift people's spirits. I believe the problem is in "expectations." If a person learns to observe, rather than judge or expect a specific outcome, they have freed themselves from the negative feelings this can generate. We KNOW we have this. We just don't know when. Truth is relative, making change inevitable. God does not give us anything in life that we are not capable of handling. The lesson to be learned is in knowing that yourself.