Reminder that this has been happening forever. It's always the people who the media uses to push "peace and love" messages. The Beatles went to the Rothschild parties. The rush to ban this album cover wasn't due to decency, it was to hide the truth exposed by young drug addicts who got too blasé.
Cabal History Theory

Yup, they created the civilization back at his basic and studied human mind / planned the long term run, first they made us evolve for some centuries, created free love stuffs, then racial / integration troubles to show the world was not being good against poor war refugees, then same film with trannies and stuff, in the meanwhile generation after generation brainwashing was always more effective (look kids today with a smartphone at early age almost without control from the parents), they bought now us on the 'tip of the iceberg' mixing up again everything again in a single step to introduce us to the planned new world or better their utopia, and our de-evolution as they clearly said, their ultimate goal is to now destroy the society as we know it and leave us in a full scale war / internal fight situation like monkeys fighting for bananas
Someone said GME?
i'm afraid my friend that has nothing to do with GME, we talk about immensely bigger capitals at stake, GME is one of the dots in the paint, but there is much much more