Something is definitely stirring, the Jim Cavaziel video, go ahead and google Jim Cavaziel it didn't take long for the clowns to fire back ( this is a fun one haha check out those twitter remarks at the bottom:,
Oh man, and Lyn Wood going wild no holds barred dropping big names linked to human trafficking, un-freaking believable, defamation doesn't get anymore blatant than that... an invitation or proof that they can't touch him? The Dan Scavino post, Bunker-Forest-Blue reference? I certainly think so. Qs constant mentioning of April Showers. What could it all mean? I have no freaking clue but what I do know is that April showers bring May flowers and I am expecting next month to be wild. No I'm not date fagging, this past week has already proven to be wild to me but I definitely feel its mounting up to something much bigger.
Off topic - but I 100% believe the move by almost all supposedly unbiased media outlets to remove, or neuter, comments sections was all part of the deep state's plan to control information.
It started happening a decade ago, now it's impossible to find many open comments sections on any media at all. Those the do exist tend to be on outlets that lean either blatantly left or right. There are exceptions of course, but I believe it's a deliberate silencing of the town square.