Faint pedo vibe in this Norway monolithic park
? These people are sick! ?
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Faint? Hate to see what "over the top" looks like.
I think the statues make it seem like hundreds of years ago this satanic stuff was going on. The mind fuck is it's going on underground under their noses even nowadays.
so weird becasue if these were pictures then people would not accept them, but they are statues so they become works of art open to interpretation.....pedo nonsense.
The worse is the monolith same as in DC, Vatican, London which symbolizes a penis but imagine if DC had a monolith with naked kids wrapped around it. Perhaps it would be a tad too obvious.
Lots of good metal there. Let's recycle it (in the fire!) and make something useful out of it.
Wasn't Norway that had child pornography and pedophilia legalized for a while, and had to make it illegal bc it was about to replace sex workers and crashing "normal" porn studios and mags, and they lobbied against it arguing that they just had no way to fairly "compete" against tthe "demand" ? These people are sick.
It says something when the aloha snackbars taking over might actually improve the social morals in that region of the globe.
It’s “Where’s Allen’s Snackbar?” ... not Aloha Snackbar ... c’mon man
Not sure Norwegianhistory so much. Perhaps it’s as bad as Greece. I was listening to a freemantv podcast (April 10th) and they were discussing this park so I decided to look into it.
Supposedly The Netherlands is the worse (House of Orange). Phil Schneider said in 1995 in Sweden they were spending $2 trillion on underground tunnels and cities. Norway has only been mentioned a couple times for DUMBs. All this taboo stuff we aren’t allowed to talk about has enabled this crap to some extent. Amazon and Wayfair can openly traffic kids as sex slaves but any mention or accusation is censored.
I had to go to Oslo for work a few years ago and old men very openly date teen girls there and no one cares.
Scandinavia is the land of the ensavled, and the homeland of the cucked. If you expected anything different from them, then, good sir/ma'am, you are in the wrong here.
That is disgusting! I can't believe the people allow that!
Fucking sick!
Well known pedophile and Epstein Island enthusiast, Chrissy Teigen tweeted out that first sculpture with some poorly-veiled "joke" about her parenting style. So I am not surprised in the slightest.
Oh good to know
What the hell is this? What is the intent of this . They are tearing down statues of people who freed enslaved people and THIS is ok.
To burn the image of acceptability into kids is my guess
WOKE UP and you will love this shit.
I know that there is a Puritan vibe in America... Is this like see-ing racism everywhere?