Hell, he can't even walk up steps to a plane without falling. I think this was a planned photo where he steps out of the car, his handlers snap a few pix, he gets back in the car and goes back to Delaware. I don't think he sleeps at the White House. He certainly didn't play golf.
I concur as a golferpede
Don't they have those shoe washing things though? My local course has one and it's pretty basic.
lol, true :)
Hell, he can't even walk up steps to a plane without falling. I think this was a planned photo where he steps out of the car, his handlers snap a few pix, he gets back in the car and goes back to Delaware. I don't think he sleeps at the White House. He certainly didn't play golf.
Oh, now....don't be silly! You wouldn't be ABLE to see that he pissed himself again. Cuz, you know, double Depends for the win! :D