I always believed 9/11 was a set up since I was a kid.
I believed COVID was a fraud since it started on day 1 in USA
I never trusted the government my entire life.
BLM and COVID made me vote for Trump, otherwise I never would have voted in my entire life.
I did all this and believed all of this before I even knew Q existed.
People may give you flak because Alex Jones has been anti-Q for a few years now, but whether he is controlled opposition or is a patriot that Mossad has a leash on, I have to thank him for opening my eyes up to the Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Group, Tavistock Institute, the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bohemian Grove, and so many other topics.
yeah, hes been a major part of waking people up. He woke me up with Bohemian Grove when i was 18, actually I might have seen that way before but I refound Alex in 2009 and just never stopped listening. Most havent really watched him, to see what he predicted via the documents. And or dont like his style. Which, his style I find hilarious and amazing. Funniest guy that exists. Period.
I love AJ's style more than anything. He cracks me up, and he's really into the nerd references. Buck Rogers, Black Hole, Star Wars, Transformers, GI Joe... He even cosplayed as Cobra Commander even. What I do not like is how he treats his employees sometimes and stabs them in the back, and how he will get real close to the truth and then back off. He let us down by backing away from the phony psy-op of Sandy Hook and the crisis actors, Pizzagate and how he apologized on air and sucked up to the evil Satanic pedo James Alefantis, and the third strike was when he went against Q. Nevertheless, he is still an ally in this fight, and recently Gen. Flynn has endorsed his coverage of the SPARS thing. The crap with COVID is just a copypasta from previous drills.
dude, its so classic. genius comedy