What are you hidin' Biden?
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I know I see that a ton. But there were multiple people reporting this was back in 2019 on telegram. But as I said in my other comment, obviously a bunch of "news" ram with it. I think it's bs tho, not to go against your post or anything but just deliervering what I heard.
Is there a link of that anywhere?
I just don't see the point in lying about something like that. It's not really a beneficial story to anyone, unless Russia wants to pat itself on the back. It's commonly known that Obama was arming and financing groups in Syria, I would never put it past Biden.
Yeah totally agree, and I am looking now. Found another weird one https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/02/13/big-scandal-200-russian-mercenaries-reportedly-killed-us-airstrikes-syria
I am not seeing a link, but there is an overwhelming majority saying that this is a recycled story from 2019 on telegram. If they wanted to recycle it, I am sure they could bury the old story. I will continue to look for it.
No offense but if I listened to the majority every time they outnumbered me, I wouldn't be here.
Lol I know, but i follow along of the military guys, so I do put some trust in them.