I guess I just don't think "there was never a Qanon" is the hill to die on. Q is one of the anons that posted on the chans. That's why early on people, including people following Q, were calling him/them Qanon. To pretend that was never a thing seems kind of senseless but more than that, trivial in the scheme of things.
I guess I just don't think "there was never a Qanon" is the hill to die on. Q is one of the anons that posted on the chans. That's why early on people, including people following Q, were calling him/them Qanon. To pretend that was never a thing seems kind of senseless but more than that, trivial in the scheme of things.
This isnt the hill to die on, but its a darn good indication whether someone claiming to be one us is really one of us:
Anyone using the term Qanon at this point is coming here from MSM.