When Phoenicia fell, they hit the seas, looking for other places to colonize, and most ended up in Venice. Venetian, Phoenician...see how they're similar phonetically? That's no "coincidence." The ancient Phoenicians founded Venice. The Doges of Venice held power and prestige depending on how Phoenician there blood was. When Rome conquered Italy, they expanded even more.
All those families even infiltrated the Vatican and Catholicism as a result of their conquests in finance and trading. Every family on the above list has had either a Pope, Cardinals, or Bishops in their families. Also, NOT a "coincidence."
What is also NOT a coincidence is the "sudden" rise of Doge Coin. [They]'re flaunting it with the very name [they] use for this cryptocurrency.
Which is why I've maintained that 1) above all else, crypto currencies are [their] digital fiat. ALL of them. And Nesara/Gesara is just another one of [their] plans for World domination. And most of you here are falling for it, or have already fallen for it, hook, line, & sinker.
If any of you think that crypto's are anything else but another form of [their] fiat, or if you think Nesara/Gesara are gonna help US usher in a new human paradigm of wealth and prosperity, you're deluding yourselves and haven't done the REQUIRED research into the people in control of these plans. [They] are NOT our friends, never have been, meet will be. [They]'re all, to a man/woman/offspring our enemies, God's enemies, and should therefore be marked for death.
After all, [they] WON'T stop until we're dead and/or enslaved. [Their] modus operandi HAS NOT changed in over 6000 yrs. It's time y'all went back to the basics and started researching our history again. Only this time, focus on the Phoenicians/Venetians, the Doges & [their] families, and where [they] went after the Vatican conquered Italy. They've infiltrated EVERY known "secret society" and have actually been credited with starting most of them.
We're running out of time, folks. NONE of this gets better for us if we don't band together as ONE RACE and kick these asshats off the fucking planet for good.
I’m not necessarily arguing with any of what you said, but, Dogecoin was made in 2013 as a meme crypto based on the meme of Doge which is a purposeful misspelling of dog. I’m not 100% convinced that this particular coin is the work of ancient Phoenician bloodlines.
When Phoenicia fell, they hit the seas, looking for other places to colonize, and most ended up in Venice. Venetian, Phoenician...see how they're similar phonetically? That's no "coincidence." The ancient Phoenicians founded Venice. The Doges of Venice held power and prestige depending on how Phoenician there blood was. When Rome conquered Italy, they expanded even more.
All those families even infiltrated the Vatican and Catholicism as a result of their conquests in finance and trading. Every family on the above list has had either a Pope, Cardinals, or Bishops in their families. Also, NOT a "coincidence."
What is also NOT a coincidence is the "sudden" rise of Doge Coin. [They]'re flaunting it with the very name [they] use for this cryptocurrency.
Which is why I've maintained that 1) above all else, crypto currencies are [their] digital fiat. ALL of them. And Nesara/Gesara is just another one of [their] plans for World domination. And most of you here are falling for it, or have already fallen for it, hook, line, & sinker.
If any of you think that crypto's are anything else but another form of [their] fiat, or if you think Nesara/Gesara are gonna help US usher in a new human paradigm of wealth and prosperity, you're deluding yourselves and haven't done the REQUIRED research into the people in control of these plans. [They] are NOT our friends, never have been, meet will be. [They]'re all, to a man/woman/offspring our enemies, God's enemies, and should therefore be marked for death.
After all, [they] WON'T stop until we're dead and/or enslaved. [Their] modus operandi HAS NOT changed in over 6000 yrs. It's time y'all went back to the basics and started researching our history again. Only this time, focus on the Phoenicians/Venetians, the Doges & [their] families, and where [they] went after the Vatican conquered Italy. They've infiltrated EVERY known "secret society" and have actually been credited with starting most of them.
We're running out of time, folks. NONE of this gets better for us if we don't band together as ONE RACE and kick these asshats off the fucking planet for good.
I’m not necessarily arguing with any of what you said, but, Dogecoin was made in 2013 as a meme crypto based on the meme of Doge which is a purposeful misspelling of dog. I’m not 100% convinced that this particular coin is the work of ancient Phoenician bloodlines.