I've just perused it for a bit since commenting. Looks like it's been around for months now somehow. The best is the constant brigades of REEEEEEEEEEEEing from the rest of reddit, and they get downvoted to shit. Even the members of the sub agree reddit is shit. They probably just don't know about .win I presume.
Holy shit anyone want to take any bags on how long that subreddit stays up? I give it another 2 weeks, tops.
I’m active there everyday. They’ve started launching the shill bots on us. My guess is banning is next, but that sub gives me hope for Reddit.
I've just perused it for a bit since commenting. Looks like it's been around for months now somehow. The best is the constant brigades of REEEEEEEEEEEEing from the rest of reddit, and they get downvoted to shit. Even the members of the sub agree reddit is shit. They probably just don't know about .win I presume.