Question: if the girl that called was the girl with the knife on her own property and was being harassed or physically hit before the camera was on and that's why she called, wouldn't she be justified in protecting herself from her assailants with a knife on her own property in a stand your ground state?
I'm confused, if this was a homeowner with a gun with violent thug trespassers on their property I wouldn't want the police shooting him or her because they were defending themselves.
However, since I don't know what happened before hand it looks like a justified shooting to save pink girls life and either way if the cop was just getting there he wouldn't have known who was who and would still be justified when seeing someone attacked with a knife.
I'm not sure but don't blame the cop here at all. These "neighborhoods" are scummy.
This is an interesting question. In general, it's extremely important for people to know their state/local laws for self defense both on and off their private property. In this case the girl with the knife appears to be the aggressor regardless of whether or not it's her property. This doesn't appear to be self-defense at all, otherwise she would be simply standing her ground against attack or retreating.
What I also find interesting is the fact that the body cam footage was somehow already released. Given what happened today with the Chauvin verdict, part of me wonders if this officer didn't immediately share the footage to show that he was justified in his use of force in order to get in front of the media manipulation (which based on the NPR headline, it seems he made a wise decision if so)
You make good points but we don't know if the girl she was attacking threatened her or family with immediate harm [ie: maybe girl in pink punched her or pink girl had the knife which fell in a life and death struggle and the other girl picked it up and opportunistically used it] because we don't know the beforehand only what the cop saw. "Appears the aggressor" is the right word here. I'm sure we will have the truth in another day or two not that the media will give it.
I'm a bit past caring anymore either if they kill each other for some ghetto infighting reason. Also if the girl who called the cops is blm I will laugh at the hypocrisy and the irony. I'll wait for that all to unfold as is usually the case these days. So much violence and so many shootings in the past month I don't know them all or any specifics and have forgotten about several already. I don't see how the media makes this work if people are becoming numb to it. Feels like unmitigated chaos.
I dont know all the facts but I gleaned from the Twitter comments the girl with the knife called the cops so we have to find out why she had that knife out. What were the others doing before cops got there...I'll bet more footage comes out from locals. Either way I'm not sure we know enough facts yet? Or if what I read is real. Who knows anymore. This is the kind of evil and sickness in the culture around us I'm trying to now tune out as much as possible and it is what drove me back to God 4 years ago.
Ding ding ding, you win. Police are 90% ignorant when approaching a new scene, hence NEW crime scene. They could have about 10 seconds to investigate, maybe less in extreme cases. It is up to the gun owner/knife wielder to be responsible in front of law enforcement. We need to make their job as easy as possible. Make it to where they CANNOT perceive you as a threat.
Step 1 when deploying any weapon, always be one step ahead of everyone around you. Know your surroundings, know your risks.
Step 2 never lose composure. Eliminate emotions.
I. E. Do not lash out at someone with a knife in front of law enforcement, re: emotions.
Unfortunate Fact: You may be perceived as a threat at any moment by anyone or any law enforcement if you have a weapon drawn.
Oh no I understand that for sure. That's why I said the cop was justified. I'm just not sure we can call her a murdering nutcase yet until we know if she was defending herself from something worse if she was the one to call police. I don't know. It is probably likely she is just a violent thug but you never know.
Wouldn’t any guy defending themselves or their property be expected to stop once the police arrive and also have to place their weapon on the floor and step away.... and then lay on the floor and wait to be handcuffed and held until such time as the police understand what took place....
Isn’t that what homeowners are told when it comes to ‘acting in self defense’..?
My question would be what did the police see and then do and say before they felt justified to shoot...? For me that is where the issue lies.... but of course others may see it differently...
Well if you are in the middle of defending yourself when they arrive and don't notice? Adrenaline pumping?
Police were justified here no matter only question was if the girl with the knife had her life under threat before police arrived and that's how she had a weapon.
There's like 2% chance of that since she did place a distress call....if she did place a distress call as others were saying in twitter thread that is...but the police in an active situation can't know the details when they pull up or even who is who so if she was defending herself it's unfortunate but if not and she was the initial aggressor then either way not the cops fault.
Haha true. Unless they trapped you outside and were struggling before you could get away...maybe you picked up the other girls knife who was threatening you? I don't know yet. Just reserving judgement another day, but the most likely scenario is that she was the knife weilder and was violent. Not sure why she called in that case though.
Self defense or not... There is always a risk of drawing a weapon with police around. Doesn't matter whose property, doesn't matter if you're the good guy. There is no law that can change this before damage gets done (I. E. Good guy is shot on his property). This is why we, as responsible gun owners, must know the risks of our decisions & be one step ahead of law enforcement, threats, etc. As soon as you are not, you're putting yourself @ risk & unfortunately that is on YOU alone.
So what if you are protecting yourself and the police show up right when you fire? Just curious how that works if you don't even see them there yet. Like fog of war
Exactly. Kind of what I'm getting at... It's a risk for sure. All I can say is God decides those moments. I can't imagine being an officer & trying to use discernment in a situation like this.
Question: if the girl that called was the girl with the knife on her own property and was being harassed or physically hit before the camera was on and that's why she called, wouldn't she be justified in protecting herself from her assailants with a knife on her own property in a stand your ground state?
I'm confused, if this was a homeowner with a gun with violent thug trespassers on their property I wouldn't want the police shooting him or her because they were defending themselves.
However, since I don't know what happened before hand it looks like a justified shooting to save pink girls life and either way if the cop was just getting there he wouldn't have known who was who and would still be justified when seeing someone attacked with a knife.
I'm not sure but don't blame the cop here at all. These "neighborhoods" are scummy.
This is an interesting question. In general, it's extremely important for people to know their state/local laws for self defense both on and off their private property. In this case the girl with the knife appears to be the aggressor regardless of whether or not it's her property. This doesn't appear to be self-defense at all, otherwise she would be simply standing her ground against attack or retreating.
What I also find interesting is the fact that the body cam footage was somehow already released. Given what happened today with the Chauvin verdict, part of me wonders if this officer didn't immediately share the footage to show that he was justified in his use of force in order to get in front of the media manipulation (which based on the NPR headline, it seems he made a wise decision if so)
You make good points but we don't know if the girl she was attacking threatened her or family with immediate harm [ie: maybe girl in pink punched her or pink girl had the knife which fell in a life and death struggle and the other girl picked it up and opportunistically used it] because we don't know the beforehand only what the cop saw. "Appears the aggressor" is the right word here. I'm sure we will have the truth in another day or two not that the media will give it.
I'm a bit past caring anymore either if they kill each other for some ghetto infighting reason. Also if the girl who called the cops is blm I will laugh at the hypocrisy and the irony. I'll wait for that all to unfold as is usually the case these days. So much violence and so many shootings in the past month I don't know them all or any specifics and have forgotten about several already. I don't see how the media makes this work if people are becoming numb to it. Feels like unmitigated chaos.
I dont know all the facts but I gleaned from the Twitter comments the girl with the knife called the cops so we have to find out why she had that knife out. What were the others doing before cops got there...I'll bet more footage comes out from locals. Either way I'm not sure we know enough facts yet? Or if what I read is real. Who knows anymore. This is the kind of evil and sickness in the culture around us I'm trying to now tune out as much as possible and it is what drove me back to God 4 years ago.
Ding ding ding, you win. Police are 90% ignorant when approaching a new scene, hence NEW crime scene. They could have about 10 seconds to investigate, maybe less in extreme cases. It is up to the gun owner/knife wielder to be responsible in front of law enforcement. We need to make their job as easy as possible. Make it to where they CANNOT perceive you as a threat.
Step 1 when deploying any weapon, always be one step ahead of everyone around you. Know your surroundings, know your risks.
Step 2 never lose composure. Eliminate emotions.
I. E. Do not lash out at someone with a knife in front of law enforcement, re: emotions.
Unfortunate Fact: You may be perceived as a threat at any moment by anyone or any law enforcement if you have a weapon drawn.
Oh no I understand that for sure. That's why I said the cop was justified. I'm just not sure we can call her a murdering nutcase yet until we know if she was defending herself from something worse if she was the one to call police. I don't know. It is probably likely she is just a violent thug but you never know.
^^^ THIS ^^^
Wouldn’t any guy defending themselves or their property be expected to stop once the police arrive and also have to place their weapon on the floor and step away.... and then lay on the floor and wait to be handcuffed and held until such time as the police understand what took place....
Isn’t that what homeowners are told when it comes to ‘acting in self defense’..?
My question would be what did the police see and then do and say before they felt justified to shoot...? For me that is where the issue lies.... but of course others may see it differently...
Well if you are in the middle of defending yourself when they arrive and don't notice? Adrenaline pumping?
Police were justified here no matter only question was if the girl with the knife had her life under threat before police arrived and that's how she had a weapon.
There's like 2% chance of that since she did place a distress call....if she did place a distress call as others were saying in twitter thread that is...but the police in an active situation can't know the details when they pull up or even who is who so if she was defending herself it's unfortunate but if not and she was the initial aggressor then either way not the cops fault.
Haha true. Unless they trapped you outside and were struggling before you could get away...maybe you picked up the other girls knife who was threatening you? I don't know yet. Just reserving judgement another day, but the most likely scenario is that she was the knife weilder and was violent. Not sure why she called in that case though.
Self defense or not... There is always a risk of drawing a weapon with police around. Doesn't matter whose property, doesn't matter if you're the good guy. There is no law that can change this before damage gets done (I. E. Good guy is shot on his property). This is why we, as responsible gun owners, must know the risks of our decisions & be one step ahead of law enforcement, threats, etc. As soon as you are not, you're putting yourself @ risk & unfortunately that is on YOU alone.
So what if you are protecting yourself and the police show up right when you fire? Just curious how that works if you don't even see them there yet. Like fog of war
Exactly. Kind of what I'm getting at... It's a risk for sure. All I can say is God decides those moments. I can't imagine being an officer & trying to use discernment in a situation like this.