posted ago by SongDog ago by SongDog +46 / -0

Seven pages on Start-page with the same exact Chauvin trial story. This whole bullshit trial IS A SHOW. The whole thing is a show. Chauvin and George, the Patron Saint of drug use KNEW each other.

Stop identifying with either one. Both are actors. Chauvin is a made-up name like, uh chauvinism?? The whole thing is a chimped out train wreck designed to further split us in America.

Hoo-white folks! WTFU. Chauvin ain't real, George is a bought and paid for slave addicted to drugs - don't matter which high - any and all. He had multiple funerals and NO ONE SAW A BODY. Is he even dead? Honestly, stop knee-jerk caring about either one. They are both DEEP STATE assets.

Wattle-neck Max Waters is an actor. Probably masked-up version 2.0 since I think the original is long gone. Stop believing what they want you to believe.

Stop buying tickets to their sick Broadway musicals. When are you EVER going to learn?

Don't give any emotional cred to Saint George and Chauvanism. IT FUCKING AIN'T REAL. IT'S. A. SHOW.