Just a thought, what if these 'murders' are fake and being used, on purpose and as planned, for MIL cover for movement of troops.
This would explain;
-Why Q drives home NOT to be divided
-That not everything will be clean
-Scare event(s?) necessary
-NG / Marine deployment under guise of citizen riot control to key cities
And many more relevant drops.
If this is the case, we may see quite a few more 'murders' or similar type events in a very short period of time that will allow for troop movement to these key cities.
All these events might actually be White Hat FF events, purely used for cover and to justify troops in boots on American soil.
I could be WAY off on this, I havent finished my morning coffee yet... XD
My only issue with theories like these is, HOW would you be able to keep this a secret among all those people? Faking someone's death would take the coordination of dozens of people and if that person is/becomes a public figure it would take thousands! It's just hard to believe that among all those people no one would seek to profit or even just give up this huge secret over time. And why would the military need "cover" to move troops? They still have their own airplanes, helicopters, private bases and airports right? One C130 can transport almost 100 troops. Why would they need cover?