Covid is fake. Everyone here knows it. The DS knows it too.
You know what else is fake? The vaccine. The DS knows it. Does everyone here know it yet?
The vax is another way to divide us. Vaxed and un-vaxed. Why is Trump pushing it? Why did Ivanka get it?
Remember warp speed. If everyone gets the fake vax to cure the fake virus, what happens to the fake pandemic? Play your role as if you're in a movie.
The DS doesn't want our side to vax because they need the lockdowns to continue. OF COURSE they're going to send Psaki in front of a camera to say us crazy Q followers need to vax. What's her alternative?
But that puts them in a pinch, you see? So what does DS do? They give us a reason to refuse the vax. Oh 7 people died. Oh it'll lead to passports. Oh muh mRNA....
Then to sell the story even more, they pull the Johnson and Johnson vax. Trump even called them out on this move. This is all designed to control us by fear.
We cannot let fear control us. The vaccine is fake, and no more deadly than Covid. We're watching a movie. They never expected a vaccine so soon.
If everyone was vaxed, it would destroy the narrative. Too many people would awaken.
Not getting the vax!!!