We have heard many times that the military are flooding tunnels around Washington DC and elsewhere. We are watching the damn in China as well.
We have discussed the context of the tunnels as being underground military bases or dumbs, tunnels for trafficking and raising children for sale or adrenochrome.
We have also discussed tunnels being used for the powerful Elite to flee. We know the vast us u.s. tunnel system has been here forever and used to transport slaves in the early day of our tunnels, which are built up beyond belief.
I read years ago about luxury bunkers for sale for rich people in case there was ever a nuclear bomb. At the time the article discussed underground bunkers for sale on of coast of Florida and elsewhere for wealthy people.
Now I see Monkey Werks showing all the activity off the coast of Florida with something under the water submarines etc.
Maybe what's being flooded or blown up are not just tunnels used for children? Underground cities with bunkers belonging to nefarious elite? I just don't know.
If the CCP wants Biden to allow a dirty bomb in the middle of America wiping out conservatives (scare event?) while they hang out in bunkers? Maybe we should be thinking about all kinds of bunkers and places they have ready to go.
Since I read about it and I look now I only see current articles about building homes as bunkers, sporting fake windows, or building an underground bunker with the house, like it's nothing, like adding a swimming pool.
I keep watching the water but so far only have seen corporations currently fouling up our water.
I don't doubt the tunnels. From my research there are miles of them. But the coastal areas of Florida are not conducive to tunnels. The water table in coastal Florida is too high. Any hole over a few feet deep almost instantly fills with water. That's why it's unheard of for homes to have basements in that area. There is just no way to build or maintain a tunnel because it would require very large (diesel) pumps running 24/7/365. Everyone in the county would know exactly where the tunnel was located from the noise alone.
New Zealand seems to be the prime destination for the elite bunkers, although there are some in the US and other countries:
Ultra-wealthy purchasing bunkers with underground shooting ranges amid coronavirus meltdown fears
Same happens in Mississipi and Louisiana. Whole place is one giant swamp. Due to the soil and water conditions, they all have the tradition of placing the deceased in mausoleums instead of on the ground
I'm glad you added this.
As far as the 3 G dam... it’s rainy season. It’s beginning in the south, anyway. Long summer coming. They better hope last flood season’s damage doesn’t completely blow out.
As much as this is serious, I can't stop thinking about those videos of indian guys building underground houses separate with drinking and bathing water wells. Yup, Pajeet has a lot to teach us
The reason they’re flooding DC is not to clean them out. They already have been. It’s to detect the location of a nuclear bomb if any.
Does anybody have a link to video showing the flooding supposedly happening in Washington dc?
Thank you