245 For the recent surge in "Flat Earthers" in GAW, this is for you. (media.greatawakening.win) ✈️ Planes ✈️ posted 3 years ago by Lupinate 3 years ago by Lupinate +247 / -2 335 comments download share 335 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
How do you measure gravity? (boyancy/elctromatic radiation//density?) I don't have a gravity scale. I build things for a living.
Show me 1 pic of Earth (the entire thing) from a Satellite that has not been CGI made from multiple scans (NASA admits this)
GPS does stop working in certain parts of the world. Also explained by satalloons (which actually exist)
Radio waves also work on the UN flag flat earth model. So do all flight plans . They actually make more sense.
Look at Dave Weiss. I'm not saying his model makes sense...but it kinda does.
Again, I'm not a flat earther. I'm a ball skeptic.
Get a P900 go 20 miles away and test yourself. There should be things you cannot see.
Just do yourself a favor and do it. Who knows what's right? What we're taught isn't .
Just for the record: I do believe in UFO. I just think they are man made.