Read that 8600 blacks were murdered in 2020. More than 90% killed by other blacks.. this moron argues those stats don’t matter ‘cause it’s been going on for a long time ? Racist white supremacy to try to stop
it? And she believes Black Lives Matter?? And WE’ALL need help she says.. “ Sincerely” she says..
You can’t fix that kind of stupidity!!
Read that 8600 blacks were murdered in 2020. More than 90% killed by other blacks.. this moron argues those stats don’t matter ‘cause it’s been going on for a long time ? Racist white supremacy to try to stop it? And she believes Black Lives Matter?? And WE’ALL need help she says.. “ Sincerely” she says.. You can’t fix that kind of stupidity!! AND I MEAN THAT SINCERELY!!!!!!!!