posted ago by horseyPatriot ago by horseyPatriot +140 / -0

On my short Q journey (since 11/20), I've fried my brain learning how much knowledge has been suppressed and hidden from us. My family has always watched a lot of history/travel channels and I'm seeing a trend where new nuggets of information are being slipped into what was the old narrative. This Babylon tablet was the latest that popped up today thanks to FB. Even though it was 2017, I am suspicious that it took that long. My interpretation: "Hey look what we've had in our basement and known forever, but we think now is the time to come clean!" I don't know if this is in fact the case, but what I suspect. I'm pretty sure I've been seeing it happen a lot lately. Feel free to weigh in!


Another example I've seen recently. I believe it was on the Today show where it was slipped in that they now know the pyramids were made of cement. Whaattt? No one tested them before and knew this? So then I have lots of questions? How long have they known this and why did they lie to us about them being rock transported by slaves? On, the same segment, the "City of Gold" has "suddenly" been uncovered with sooo many artifacts that it's being likened to Pompeii for what it contains. They had a lot of the city uncovered, so they've been working on it for a long time, but the segment was presented as a "reveal".

And another recent one was the new physics particle being announced so that a new type of physics called "spinning physics" will now be explored.


Feel feel to add other "discoveries" you know of!