How can you expose what never was? Evergreen International Aviation went defunct in 2014, so they have been out of action for the past 7 years. They typically sprayed drug-abatement herbicides and fire-fighting chemicals. And did various errands for the CIA, none of which involved "chemtrails." Fixation on paranoid delusions is a leading edge component of psychosis, so keep it real.
Fixation on paranoid delusions is a leading edge component of psychosis, so keep it real.
DIVIDED you are weak.
DIVIDED you fight each other.
DIVIDED you pose no threat.
System of control.
Information warfare.
Quick list of PSYOP's (Things that don't exist)
UFO's with Alien's inside.
"Chem"-trails poisoning the same air that (((they))) breathe.
DUMB's (Deep Underground Military Bases) What like Zion from "The Matrix"?
HAARP as Weather Modification.
CERN as a portal to Hell.
Perpetual Motion Machines.
Zero Point Energy.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
The Big Bang.
Missed only a few:---
Flat Earth
Moon Landing Hoax
9/11 False Flag Conspiracy (or Truthers)
Global Warming / Climate Change
Darwinian Evolution
Time Travel
To clarify, are you saying the "Moon Landing Hoax", ie a double negative...
Landing on the Moon was the PSYOP or the Conspiracy theory that it was faked.
How can you expose what never was? Evergreen International Aviation went defunct in 2014, so they have been out of action for the past 7 years. They typically sprayed drug-abatement herbicides and fire-fighting chemicals. And did various errands for the CIA, none of which involved "chemtrails." Fixation on paranoid delusions is a leading edge component of psychosis, so keep it real.
Right on!
Quick list of PSYOP's
(Things that don't exist)
UFO's with Alien's inside.
"Chem"-trails poisoning the same air that (((they))) breathe.
DUMB's (Deep Underground Military Bases) What like Zion from "The Matrix"?
HAARP as Weather Modification.
CERN as a portal to Hell.
Perpetual Motion Machines.
Zero Point Energy.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
The Big Bang.
Did I miss any?
Missed only a few:--- Flat Earth Moon Landing Hoax 9/11 False Flag Conspiracy (or Truthers) Global Warming / Climate Change Darwinian Evolution Time Travel
Thank you!
To clarify, are you saying the "Moon Landing Hoax", ie a double negative...
Landing on the Moon was the PSYOP or the Conspiracy theory that it was faked.
I had them stacked in a column, then the site decided to unstack them. sigh
To your question: the PSYOP that asserts the Moon Landings were hoaxes and thus conspiracies (not true events). Is that better?