posted ago by horseyPatriot ago by horseyPatriot +34 / -0

There is a worldwide semiconductor chip shortage. Car manufacturers now have shutdowns due to this chip shortage. Then I stumble on a CNN article about the FoxConn factory in Wisconsin. Trump heralded it and now it sits empty. Or does it?

In the middle of the article is this little gem:

"During the early days of the pandemic, Foxconn made face masks and ventilators at the Wisconsin plant. But the company hasn't revealed how much of its 1.4 million square feet, spread across three buildings, is now being used. It says its plans are based on "current projections for digital infrastructure hardware products through 2025," but did not provide any specifics about those products. The company says it currently has "several hundred" employees at the property."

Trump is always thinking ahead. Semiconductor chips are integral to our economy. What is happening at the FoxConn plant in Wisconsin?

