Found this on Reddit, there is definitely a realization, if not an awakening. This is a very Q-like set of posts. (Supposedly) Deep insider, out to expose and awaken, yet cryptic enough to force everyone to do their own research.
GME is just "the first arrest" but the tip of the iceberg. Think Bernie Madoff = Jeff Epstein. And Ken Griffin plays the role of Ghislaine in this movie playing next door to the one we're watching. We even have a cameo in the comments!
Apes are struggling with the decodes. I think we can do better and help them out. We should do it not just to show them up, but because Superstonk is like our 'tarded stepbrother and we're in it together, like it or not. WWG1WGA.
Do your own DD. I'll post my thoughts in the comments so as not to taint the research. Link:
+1000. I think we need to watch Katie Porter. (D) but very MTG-esque.
So... I think GEOTUS had an inkling on how to accelerate NESARA.
He was using Kenny's greed to help the plan along, but then came COVID-1984.
Wall Street, already leveraged and with some toxic assets they were hiding, bet against all of us, shorting a lot more of the economy than we know about. Citadel used UT Austin's computer labs to run the sims, may very well have had insider info from DJT's inner circle or Mnuchin, and everyone else fell in line, banks backing the hedgies.
Except, the economy was more resilient than anticipated, and we didn't lock down like they thought. Along came the stimmy / relief package that was a gift to Wall Street. DJT even called out Kenny and Jamie Demon on it.
$3T of FED printer going brrr.
Kenny was able to redirect PPP loans through JPM into Citadel products, taking control of as much as $1.2T while loan applications played out at the banks. He used it to short the market more- margin deposit is only 10%.
There could be $12T of shorts sitting out there, and the last 5 months has been a shell game trying to hide the ponzi scheme before they get caught.
Except they did. GME and Silver. Two sides of the same coin- quite literally. GME was a big bet, SLV was the hedge. Apes have cut both legs out from under them, and someone tipped us off.
Now one thing I can't figure out... I'm pretty sure Visa (big DC in UT) is involved in the laundering. Not quite sure how yet. Kenny G is a big fish, but he's not the shark that runs this reef. So.... who's pulling the strings?
Edit 1: Forget Visa. That's not it. It's the JPM Private Bank in UT, catering to Whales and offering bespoke global investment stategies.
Lots of dark money. Transparency level of 3/4" plywood.
Here's a bit of a theory. The shorts have existed since computers joined wall st. The shorts are allowed by the fed/foreign eqv. to controll markets that help them give the unbacked fiat money its value and keep it alive.
The shorts costs lots of money to run but it's all paid for by an infinite money scheme thing.
These banks and hedge funds know how the system works and helps run it. They get to write themselves blank checks.
It's all insured by government bailouts if/when things go sideways.
Vaccine pops the everything short. GME and silver squeeze pile the pain on
They miscalculated, got too greedy, too big to bail out. Got caught. They lose.
What about the future? Hyperinflation? Will mass arrests and 100k sealed indictments lead to huge asset seizure? Our money will die/rebirth? Gold backed again? How do we help? NCSWIS?
I think my mind is blown now! I can piece together how the vaccine screwed the hedgies and how it takes us to victory. A 2 sided attack politically and economically to take down the deep state.
Super deep stuff, just selfishly wondering how I can benefit economically from this insight? Literally holding meme GME stock? Holding precious metals? What happens to crypto? Fiat $? Stocks?
I've bet on GME as the catalyst. I don't expect to be a quadrillionaire, but I'm gonna stick it to the wall street raiders anyway.
Spot on on the vax... PDJT knew what was coming and did absolutely everything keeping the economy running so it couldn't crash and the people could benefit.
r/Wallstreetsilver is gearing up for a May Day attack on the market- the plan is for every silverbug and ape to hold 100oz. I look at this as more of a forceful protest than an attack (still millions of ounces out there). I'm down with that plan and intend to have 10x that (but I've been stacking for 20 years).
I don't know if there are enough investors in physical silver yet to kill the market in the same way GME could, but... regardless, it's a solid store of value in the face of hyperinflation. Either way, I think we make out holding bullion or PSLV.
When we exit the other side, IDK where we'll be. All possibilities are on the table, but I see true price discovery. AAPL and Alphabet to $3? Sure. US Steel to $500? Why not? One thing I can guarantee is that it'll be crazy. Bitcoin might not even exist, or it'll be the way to conduct all P2P transactions.
China has been buying bullion like crazy. They are backing their digital Yuan with it, and built a crypto for everyday spending, but with a twist- wallets are only online and if your social credit score is bad, you can't get access to your wallet. I genuinely believe this is the [DS] goal.
I believe that NESARA will require precious metals backing, perhaps as a permanent solution, perhaps as an intermediary until another solution is accepted. If there is no collapse, then metals still serve as really nice piece of mind and inflation hedge, so there's no real downside to owning some.
They stole 20trillion form the middle class in 08, We're going to take 60trillion back, maybe more.
Anon and Ape are cousins on our mothers side.
Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.
The market has to crash, in order to sweep out the old monetary system: Federal Reserve, fiat currency,and the rigged stock market aka casino. Whether the new system is NESARA/GESARA, "quantum" monetary system, or just returning to the old "gold/silver" standard remains to be seen.
The crash will be caused by the two stocks retail investors are most heavily invested in to make magic happen: GME and AMC. Gold/Silver have been manipulated for sooooo long - the #silversqueeze is on, too. It will be part of the greatest wealth transfer the world has ever seen!
Brain explodes. Whoa too much to input.
Citadel has been in trouble for a while. When Gamestop caused Melvin Corporation to lose way more than it could afford, Citadel stepped in and saved them. But who will save Citadel? The house of cards can tumble at any moment.