I get where your passion is coming from but IDK if I would call it exciting. Words like stressful, infuriating, sad, and depressing come to mind before I'd use exciting. If by exciting you mean that we are living in a moment in history that will determine the direction of the world for generations to come, well, personally, I still couldn't use the word exciting. Sorry, I'm a little salty today.
Most Christians find this to be an exciting, though at times trying, time to be alive. There is a great awakening and revival coming. We feel the Spirit moving in these times. The battle between good and evil is Biblical. That is where the excitement comes in.
I get where your passion is coming from but IDK if I would call it exciting. Words like stressful, infuriating, sad, and depressing come to mind before I'd use exciting. If by exciting you mean that we are living in a moment in history that will determine the direction of the world for generations to come, well, personally, I still couldn't use the word exciting. Sorry, I'm a little salty today.
We get to be part of the fall of the cabal and save humanity. That’s exciting to me!
Well yes, when you put it that way, I agree!!
Most Christians find this to be an exciting, though at times trying, time to be alive. There is a great awakening and revival coming. We feel the Spirit moving in these times. The battle between good and evil is Biblical. That is where the excitement comes in.
I consider it taking an ancient Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times" and turn it around with: "You bet your ass!!! :)