My son and his wife have been down that road several times. She can't carry the fetus past 10 weeks before she suffers a miscarriage. My heart breaks for them.
Please have your DIL look into the following:
Vitamin D3/K2 (the main cause of miscarriage is crucially low levels)
She should switch to methyl folate adc methylation B.
She should seek out an ob who will prescribe progesterone as soon as she gets a positive. Preferably suppositories or injection.
She should ask about Low Dose Naltrexone
Dear God. I have so many friends who want kids but cant bear children. Why do people do this?
Get an egg donor or do IVF.
My son and his wife have been down that road several times. She can't carry the fetus past 10 weeks before she suffers a miscarriage. My heart breaks for them.
Please have your DIL look into the following: MTHFR Vitamin D3/K2 (the main cause of miscarriage is crucially low levels) She should switch to methyl folate adc methylation B. She should seek out an ob who will prescribe progesterone as soon as she gets a positive. Preferably suppositories or injection. She should ask about Low Dose Naltrexone
If you don’t mind me asking, what’s causing her to miscarry around that time?
They should hire someone who carries the fetus for them. Kim Kardashian did the same. Not optimal, but better than nothing.