Drone strike in Ft Lauderdale
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It's in the local paper: "Johnny McReed, 49, an employee at Barco for 22 years, said the company makes commercial grade foam for furniture."
Why are they pushing this "drone strike" theory, when there's no apparent reason why anybody would want to waste a million-dollar piece of hardware setting this couch factory afire when a dropped match would do the trick?
The whole point of a drone is that it doesn't miss. If Stone were a target (why now?), he wouldn't be here.
Smart bombs and missiles don’t miss? Interesting.
Did I use the words "missile" or "smart bomb"? No.
Be that as it may, if anybody thinks it's possible to fly in a Tomahawk or drop a laser-guided bomb from an aircraft over a fair-sized city in 11am broad daylight without anyone noticing, raise your hand. And bombs/missiles lead with an explosion, not fire-then-explosion-after-fire-reaches-propane-tanks.
Drones-without-bombs: the Russians showed how to do this a few years ago when they flew commercial four-propeller drones into a Ukranian ammo dump, set the drone down in a likely spot (such as a rack of artillery rockets), then radio'd a thermite charge to ignite. Such things go exactly where they're piloted.
Disclosure: I've never trusted Roger Stone. I get the impression that he's another one of those "friends" (like Giuliani) that Donald is highlighting for further scrutiny from us. And here he is, making a fool of himself with this unlikely and unprovable claim, as if somebody with his nuts in a vice made him go out to be interviewed by this bottom-tier nobody vlogger.
We're not supposed to be fawning over him.
Dude your a fucking shill. Im tired of reading your lame ass bullshit.
Trump wants people to scrutinize Rudy??
Why not blow up his car instead, then mail him a letter saying, "Too bad about your car; just think if you'd been in it?"
It's a lot easier than setting fire to a factory across the intersection.
Faggot npc alert
you'll never be a real woman
This is a danger to our democracy
Extremely dangerous to our democracy.
I would guess that chemicals used to manufacture foam could be highly volatile considering how foam burns without fire retardant chemicals mixed in it. Source- have burned old foam from pre-fire retardant requirements days. Highly flammable.
Azerbaijan learns the hard way not to slather their buildings in the stuff.
Not only flammable but highly explosive. It would take out a substantial radius especially if there are rail cars in back full of the hazardous chemicals that are used to make the foam.
Napalm anyone?