A few weeks ago, someone posted this link in a comment.
This article has changed my life. Since then, I’ve put my dying cat on fenbendazole, heard about someone else who is responding to it, and I now use it as a preventative course as we have lots of cancer in my family.
Here are my two stories. My 13 yo cat was most likely dying of a cancerous throat tumor. I couldn’t get him into the vet to verify because the two I use were so busy around Easter when I realized what his symptoms meant. (They wanted me to take him to the very expensive emergency vet.) Plus, he hates vets after having many surgeries/procedures throughout his 13 years and the vets hate dealing with him when he is banshee mode. So after researching the safe dosages for cats, I picked up two Panacur equine wormers at a tack store and started dosing him. He’s now finished 3 weeks. He’s breathing better, purrs without his mouth open now, and his personality is coming back with more energy. He seemed to be at death’s door 2 weeks ago.
Can I prove it’s working? No, because I never got a diagnosis. But for about $50 (also cost of CBD oil) and avoiding the trauma of taking him in, I may have prolonged his life, with a good quality of life.
A short while ago, I stumbled on another fenben story. A family member of on my husband’s side started taking it in December, after being told she would be dead in January. She is still alive and the tumors are shrinking!
The evidence was so convincing to me that I started taking it as a preventative measure. $32/month!! I also take turmeric supplements.
I passed the article on to my mother who is a retired RN who spent many years working in oncology. Her response: Big Pharma is even slimier than I thought.
As the vet implored in this article, get this information out to EVERYONE!! It can save soo many lives!!
A patent was applied for [1] (for this treatment), however, since the early 2010's, the elites (e.g., big tech) have been killing the patent system [2], which may protect their monopolies. No patent was granted and no further pursuit of this treatment for cancer was had because the US will not give out a patent for a practical treatment for cancer
[1] https://patents.google.com/patent/US20120064008A1/en?q=Fenbendazole+cancer&oq=Fenbendazole++cancer
[2] https://www.ipwatchdog.com/2017/01/26/disintegration-american-patent-system/id=77594/
I know nothing about pharmaceuticals nor about patent law, but on the surface it seems to me to be immoral to patent an already-existing drug just for it to be used for a different disease. Only new drugs should get patents. Am I totally naïve?
Give people property rights, they will defend and improve their property. Same with intellectual property and patents. While the drug itself may be old, using the drug to treat cancer may be new and it is the new treatment which should be patentable. Otherwise, there is no incentive to pursue new treatments using old drugs
The cost of developing a new cure by stumbling upon an alternative use for an existing medication already proven to be safe is peanuts compared to developing a new drug. It's also possible that several institutions and corporations are studying the exact same new treatment using the exact same old drug, but what? Only the first to file the patent would get to claim the rewards? That's not fair. It may also encourage patent trolling. Like if I was a lawyer, I could patent CBD, vitamins, essential oils --anything generally beneficial-- as a treatment of every single ailment on earth, then start suing people left, right, and center for 20 years. I think this kind of research should not come from the incentive of patents but from the incentive of finding a cure; so the Cancer Society should (in a non-corrupt world) be involved in funding and incentives for this type of research. Kind of like the X-prize. I'd be OK if the patent lasted for 3-5 years instead of 20. It's just not an apples-to-apples comparison, so they shouldn't get the same reward as developing and testing a new drug.