I used to read r/conspiracy regularly and eventually had to use the "sort by new" button in order to see some of the posts that were trying to get the truth out (before they were downvoted or buried).
Yep. Just because something is a fact, doesn’t make it a useful fact. I don’t give a shit about race politics. Who is this supposed to reach? It will never pass their trigger barrier. Red pill with something useful. This is bait. Cheap bait.
Yeah they banned me three years ago for predicting that someday Hillary Clinton would be hung. They are bunch of pussies.
They're likely working for the Dems/CCP under the guise that they're just volunteer admins.
they got rid of the real mods awhile ago
As a pure function of time, the probability that any moderated forum will see its moderator team contain at least one corrupted mod reaches 1:1.
This is not an argument for unmoderated forums. It is an argument for eternal vigilance. The fish can rot from both directions.
How many people are killed by police "unjustly"?
Can't someone unarmed by a threat?
So we should increase police funding then?
says they should train BJJ to prevent lethal force incidents
says they already get enough funding so they shouldn't receive more funding to get BJJ training
I used to read r/conspiracy regularly and eventually had to use the "sort by new" button in order to see some of the posts that were trying to get the truth out (before they were downvoted or buried).
9.1k karma here. "YOUR ONLY POST"
This is statistics. Are statistics 'race division' to you? Have you been brainwashed?
Please ignore the above user named “TheQStrategy”.
His entire purpose for being on GOA is to disrupt and insult users here.
Also he’s hoping to discredit “Q” self by linking himself to it.
Yep. Just because something is a fact, doesn’t make it a useful fact. I don’t give a shit about race politics. Who is this supposed to reach? It will never pass their trigger barrier. Red pill with something useful. This is bait. Cheap bait.