One fly, in a big room, and somehow it always lands on the one with the highest status, when he happens to be speaking. You'd think a fly shouldn't be attracted to motion, it can land on one of the bodyguards or audiences, it can land on some inanimate object where it's least threatened, but no, it always lands on that one person. There are no coincidences.
I'm going to go with their lizard people face masks or the ancidrome(sp) they take attracts flies. More importantly if you have no feeling in your face because its a mask then you don't swat it away...??? Get it.
Lord of the Flies!
Yes, I can clearly see several piles of manure.
It's definitely a "flies on shit" post. LOOOOOL
The fly don't lie
Omg another fly post. What is wrong with these people? Who lets a fly just land on their face? Seriously, this is disturbing.
Which came first?
The fly or CGI?
White Hats
If these 5 criminals tried to sunbathe on a beach together, cats would try to bury them because they are such gigantic turds...
Are there flies on it?
Perhaps the fly is attracted to the smells people make when they are cannibals.
I feel the flies are some military operation against the deep state. (serious, too often for it to happen regardless of weather)
One fly, in a big room, and somehow it always lands on the one with the highest status, when he happens to be speaking. You'd think a fly shouldn't be attracted to motion, it can land on one of the bodyguards or audiences, it can land on some inanimate object where it's least threatened, but no, it always lands on that one person. There are no coincidences.
I'm going to go with their lizard people face masks or the ancidrome(sp) they take attracts flies. More importantly if you have no feeling in your face because its a mask then you don't swat it away...??? Get it.