So there was watermarks!
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As I understood fairly early on, there was a blockchain mark and an RFID strip in addition to the watermark. There is something of a mystery why the State Trooper went straight to a pile of ballots under a rock out in a field and the truck that made a wrong turn and was stopped with a load of real ballots-both pinged when activated just as the RFID strip was designed..
Dude if there's a blockchain with all legitimate votes on it somewhere I would have the world's largest justice boner of all time
Actually, blockchain forms the custody issue with scans-the beauty of it is 3 fold: the watermark to verify, the blockchain to verify custody and the RFID to recover "lost" ballots.. The bright folks thought of every election scam going..
Dunno what to say about your ljb, fren.. :P
get in line fren,lol