posted ago by pedeITA ago by pedeITA +24 / -0

For today's does of funny vax threads, we have a Saturday special! Not about adverse reactions or people awakening this time, but at the lost ones, in this case to one that deserves a medal, he printed VAX shirts and is publishing them around reddit!

To be honest, not really sure is a real lost one, but could be probably a sleeper / infiltrated, look well at the tattoos on his arms..... SURPRISE!



ARCHIVED: https://archive.li/TXaxF

In detail https://snipboard.io/eWI7dM.jpg

Red and Yellow well no need to describe

Blue one looks indeed satanic, on right side someone being seems tortured, left side seems a phoenix

The one on right side of the yellow can't understand but looks like some sort of eagle or phoenix as well

Grey looks as well something satanic / esoteric, looks like a harp, but that decoration on the left side, just doesn't look ' normal '