Possibly, but it becomes a lot more complex and probably less likely, I think. As an example let's say a state prints the ballots themselves instead of outsourcing the printing. They need ink, as you mention, and will get that from one or more vendors. Does this federal agency know which vendors they're going to pick? How are they going to replace this vendor's ink with this special ink? Hijack the truck delivering it?
They don't have freedom to choose just any vendor to do whatever work. They're given a list of what's approved and they choose from that. If they used something not on that list, what they did was against the rules and thus illegal. If they used something on that list, it is controlled, that is why it's on the list.
You don't have freedom to up and choose billy joe printers down the road, if it's not on the list.
There is a process, there are approved sources. If they don't use those approved sources, what they did is invalid.
You'd have to ensure the printing company or state run printing were totally out of ink when they started the 2020 election ballot printing. Sounds very unlikely.
Possibly, but it becomes a lot more complex and probably less likely, I think. As an example let's say a state prints the ballots themselves instead of outsourcing the printing. They need ink, as you mention, and will get that from one or more vendors. Does this federal agency know which vendors they're going to pick? How are they going to replace this vendor's ink with this special ink? Hijack the truck delivering it?
They don't have freedom to choose just any vendor to do whatever work. They're given a list of what's approved and they choose from that. If they used something not on that list, what they did was against the rules and thus illegal. If they used something on that list, it is controlled, that is why it's on the list.
You don't have freedom to up and choose billy joe printers down the road, if it's not on the list.
There is a process, there are approved sources. If they don't use those approved sources, what they did is invalid.
You'd have to ensure the printing company or state run printing were totally out of ink when they started the 2020 election ballot printing. Sounds very unlikely.