What I’m asking is that people who promote the Adrenochrome narrative explain to me exactly how the drug adrenochrome gets people high and reverses aging.
Several things are true in this world today:
-child kidnapping exists,
-child sex trafficking exists,
-satanic child sacrifice ceremonies exists,
-and illegal organ harvesting exists.
BUT actual photo evidence, video evidence, witness testimony or legal court case proof for the use of adrenochrome as an age reversing drug does not exist.
It may be possible that some global elites are paying for the blood of young people in order to extend their lives. But that is different from the Adrenochrome narrative.
Now, If there was real evidence for the adrenochrome narrative, you would be showing it to me right now. And no, some PDF of an worn-out invoice for scientists purchasing penguin pineal glands is not proof of the Adrenochrome narrative. The simple existence of a patent for Adrenochrome doesn’t prove that it’s effective for reversing aging.
You know, at least with UFOs and Bigfoot, we have actual credible eyewitnesses and thousands of photos and videos of them. That is pretty credible evidence especially when it’s the US Navy that is releasing videos of UFOs or police officers telling you about encounters with Bigfoot.
Where is the real credible evidence on adrenochrome? And no, the chat log from your Telegram chat room circle-jerk discussion on adrenochrome does not actually count as valid evidence.
Eyewitness testimony, photos and videos of Adrenochrome production or extraction facilitities, court records from legal cases relating to prosecution for Adrenochrome crimes, medical research papers that explain exactly how Adrenochrome reverses aging. If you need me to, I can go out and get the links for the original laboratory rat studies that prove that type-matched youthful blood transfusions can reverse aging in the elderly due to the fact that pluripotent stem cells from the blood of young people have a curative affect on the organs of an elderly person.
So, show me the real evidence that global elites are extracting a drug called Adrenochrome from children and then using that drug to get high and reverse their aging.
When people talk about adrenochrome as if it’s a fact, it makes Trump supporters look stupid.
Again I’m not looking for personal attacks, I’m looking for you to give me the proof that the Adrenochrome narrative is true and not just a disinformation campaign put out there to make patriots look stupid.
Enjoy reading the lists.
You fell for a hoax that lists the found-nowhere-else "Cym Corporation"'s address as that of the New York Trump Tower's.
Unless, of course, you believe that Cabal Inc. is running its adrenochrome operation out of TGE's building.
Do you believe that there's an actual Cym Corporation dealing in blood-type-specific adrenochrome with its address listed as that of Trump Tower in New York?
If you do, then say so. If you don't, then you must necessarily impugn the validity of the material that Mukzn shared, or have an alternative explanation (such as, for example, a real criminal entity concealing itself by spoofing its physical location) in need of some support which we're all waiting with baited-breath to hear.
Given the level of sheer evil inherent in such a thing, it beggars the imagination that anyone involved would ever dream of incorporating it. Such a thing, if it existed, would be so crucial to the global Cabal power-structure that matters such as abiding by government regulations for tax-purposes would be many layers lower in the pyramid under it. Such a thing would never pay taxes or deal with regulations, because it would not "exist". It'd be way too important to "exist", let along generate spreadsheets in easily-digestible English rather than them being in a coded language that only a few know. Us trying to look in would be like the Japanese in WWII floundering miserably attempting to decipher Navajo.
What's asserted in that mega.zn material would be like if Wayfair sold furniture whose ad-copy read "Each cabinet purchase from this page includes a small child; see order form for desired age, sex, and race." - It's too easy, by orders of magnitude, to be believable.