I raised my two sons by myself as a working divorced mom. They didn’t see their father all that much and they never turned to crime. I think that some black men don’t respect women.
Not true. Ben Carson had a strong moral mother who stressed education and he became an acclaimed physician who created new procedures to successfully separate twins born attached. His brother also became a successful businessman.
I raised my two sons by myself as a working divorced mom. They didn’t see their father all that much and they never turned to crime. I think that some black men don’t respect women.
I am saying that a boy needs a man in his life. To be a mentor.
A woman cannot replace this dynamic/
Not true. Ben Carson had a strong moral mother who stressed education and he became an acclaimed physician who created new procedures to successfully separate twins born attached. His brother also became a successful businessman.
Ben Carson did have a major troubled past as a youth. He admits to this. He escaped and got out lucky.
I never said that human beings can't GROW and LEARN from hard upbringings.
In order to PREVENT a lot of these EMOTIONAL problems with boys.
They need a STABLE "MAN". This man needs to be their father.
My parents were together for 40+ years before dad died of cancer.
My dad is the reason why my brother and I got into Software Engineering. He was our MENTOR who gave us direction.
A young kid isn't going to have life experience to get a direction on their own. Even if they are super High IQ.
Then need someone to lead them to various options. That's what parents are for.
To guide their young down certain paths.
A single woman can only do so much. She needs the father there to help develop certain skills that only a man can provide.
A father and mother are suppose to be a team that is a "Yin/Yang".