A couple other items I'd like to share:
Thanks for stepping up and volunteering for the COVID-19 vaccinations and your continued COVID-19 mitigations at work and at home. The XO has been working very hard to provide EVERYONE with an opportunity to be vaccinated! I encourage everyone to get vaccinated unless your doctor advises otherwise. Please consider that by deferring the vaccine without a valid medical reason (determined by your doctor) you are making a conscious decision to become part of a chain, an enabler who will eventually spread the virus and potentially harm/hospitalize someone who doesn't have a choice. Time is not on your side. This is the chance to protect yourself, your shipmates and family...to break the chain. If you are in doubt please invest the time, seek one-on-one advice from your own medical professional.
Sounds like he might get a bonus if his command makes it to 100%.
Dont do it. Send him an email back show him the articles of all the dead people and the Doctors, microbiologists and scientists that say this vaccine will kill billions. Also advise him that if he tries to force it you want in writting that the company will be responsible for any injuries and will have to pay life long wages to anyone hurt. Also point out in the email these facts that can be easily checked. 1 the vaccine does not stop you from getting covid 2 the vaccine does not stop you from spreading covid 3 the vaccine does not stop your death 4 the vaccine is experimental which is currently using the world population for its experiments, and that in all the past animal trials for the MRNA all the animals died. Finally remind him again unless you are over 70 you have a 99.8% chance of survival with the virus and over 70 still has a 99.5% chance of survival.
Fuck, so glad I got the dreaded virus last year when I was still 69, otherwise I'd be penning this message from my coffin! lol