EDIT: This was brought up before. For a very simple, web based solution, go here https://auditwatch.win/
Here are step by step instructions on how to VIEW and/or RECORD the LIVE AZAUDIT feed. This is also good if the hosting provider decides to take AZAUDIT offline.
What you'll need:
- Im using a Mac but same instructions apply for windows
- VLC player
- VMS software (Optional)
- a Large 8TB-10TB hard drive (optional only if recording)
- The LIVE FEED links (I'll proved below) SAVE THESE REGARDLESS!!!!
Mac: (and similar for windows)
Open VLC Player
File -> "Open Network"
For Camera 1, Copy and Paste this URL https://cdn.klowdtv.net/803B48A/AZAudit_West/live/AZAuditSource1_ABR/playlist.m3u8
Press Open
Camera 1 url- https://cdn.klowdtv.net/803B48A/AZAudit_West/live/AZAuditSource1_ABR/playlist.m3u8
Camera 2 URL- https://cdn.klowdtv.net/803B48A/AZAudit_West/live/AZAuditSource2_ABR/playlist.m3u8
Camera 3 URL- https://cdn.klowdtv.net/803B48A/AZAudit_West/live/AZAuditSource3_ABR/playlist.m3u8
Camera 4 URL- https://cdn.klowdtv.net/803B48A/AZAudit_West/live/AZAuditSource4_ABR/playlist.m3u8
Camera 5 URL- https://cdn.klowdtv.net/803B48A/AZAudit_West/live/AZAuditSource5_ABR/playlist.m3u8
Camera 6 URL- https://cdn.klowdtv.net/803B48A/AZAudit_West/live/AZAuditSource6_ABR/playlist.m3u8
Camera 7 URL- https://cdn.klowdtv.net/803B48A/AZAudit_West/live/AZAuditSource7_ABR/playlist.m3u8
Camera 8 URL- https://cdn.klowdtv.net/803B48A/AZAudit_West/live/AZAuditSource8_ABR/playlist.m3u8
Camera 9 URL- https://cdn.klowdtv.net/803B48A/AZAudit_West/live/AZAuditSource9_ABR/playlist.m3u8
EDIT: Heres a link on how to RECORD the video stream (and replay what you recorded) in VLC https://confluence.bethel.edu/display/ITSKB/Recording+a+Network+Stream+with+VLC+Player
You can also do this through Chrome browser. You would need browser tabs open for each window. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screen-recorder/hniebljpgcogalllopnjokppmgbhaden You can save and then playback via VLC player. To get VLC player securely and without bloatware you can download from ninite.com.