Hey GA,
I didn't get my first shot today and I feel great. No side affects or even any soreness. I think I'll do Deadlifts today. Just wanted to share, I'll report back after not getting the 2nd jab weeks from now.
God Bless.
Hey GA,
I didn't get my first shot today and I feel great. No side affects or even any soreness. I think I'll do Deadlifts today. Just wanted to share, I'll report back after not getting the 2nd jab weeks from now.
God Bless.
My family has refused to take the Covid-19 "vaccine". We are simply building up our immune systems, getting plenty of good fresh air and sunshine, taking our vitamins and eating healthy.
My daughter even surprised me last week. She said she wouldn't even consider dating a boy who has taken the "vaccine". There would always be a worry about what sort of mental or genetic damage the "vax" has done... and what it would do in the future. It's not worth it. She's well ahead of the curve on this one.
When the facts begin coming out about the long-term vax damage in a year from now... many people who took it will have their lives ruined.
We live in the SF Bay Area. We're definitely the minority in not getting vaxxed. My daughter is in high-school and most of her friends have been vaxxed.
Hang tough! Peer pressure, especially at that age and college is so pervasive. Mine are now adults in 20's and have internalized all I've shared over the years. No jabs for the last 14 or more years (including college). Having a canned response that feels good to say is key when everyone is asking, "Did you" or "When are you?" I like the "I was asked to be in the control group for this experiment" or "I had the virus, so have full immunity". The Bay Area is tough right now.
I prefer to tell the truth and not perpetuate the hoax.
Its harder for kids with peer pressure. If you are a teen, good for you.