Couldn't agree more! Pulitzer said in an interview that results of the audit would not be released until the audit was over. Beware of unnamed officials and sources.
I get what you mean. I do. Maybe they shouldn't publish any articles at all on it I would rather have no news than have the audit shut down because people were being threatened.
I remember Jovan saying people on his staff were being shot at a couple months ago. I can't remember which state it was.
What officials?
Names? Job titles? When did they say it, and to who?
If you have this information, fucking put it our already and stop being like MSNBC or NY Times.
Couldn't agree more! Pulitzer said in an interview that results of the audit would not be released until the audit was over. Beware of unnamed officials and sources.
Two down votes for asking for named sources?
Jesus Fbomb Christ what is this site coming to.
Hey down voters, care to elaborate on how reporting "news" from unnamed sources is a good thing?
Always wonder why people act like two downvotes with 10 upvotes on one reasonable post out of hundreads constitutes a "what is this site coming to".
The site is fine, just a minority of retards being retards.
I know, but I am an old man yelling at clouds sometimes. Just gotta vent.
Fair enough haha.
i didnt down vote but it is probably you're unpleasant tone.
Why? So they can be doxxed and their families threatened? Because then they would be exactly like msm nyt
If they can't site their source, they should not report it as news or facts.
I love OAN, but they should not make claims like this, unless they can tell you how they know, otherwise, its just pandering and click baiting.
I get what you mean. I do. Maybe they shouldn't publish any articles at all on it I would rather have no news than have the audit shut down because people were being threatened.
I remember Jovan saying people on his staff were being shot at a couple months ago. I can't remember which state it was.
Here is an archived link to the article before they changed it.