PBS Documentary on 1918 Flu Pandemic (Spanish Flu)
"All of America, it seemed, put on masks. At last, many thought, they were safe. But masks didn't help. They were thin and porous -- no serious restraint to tiny microbes. It was like trying to keep out dust with chicken wire."
"A resolution shot through Congress, giving the Public Health Service a million dollars to fight the flu. Biochemists around the country worked feverishly to develop a vaccine. [...] But even vaccines didn't help."
PBS Documentary on 1918 Flu Pandemic (Spanish Flu) "All of America, it seemed, put on masks. At last, many thought, they were safe. But masks didn't help. They were thin and porous -- no serious restraint to tiny microbes. It was like trying to keep out dust with chicken wire." "A resolution shot through Congress, giving the Public Health Service a million dollars to fight the flu. Biochemists around the country worked feverishly to develop a vaccine. [...] But even vaccines didn't help." https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/influenza/#transcript http://archive.today/IYjlo
W.H. Kellogg studying mask efficacy after 1918 flu pandemic https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/abs/10.2105/AJPH.10.1.34