It was a sporting contest, lets call it Hadji Badminton. They would serve with a few badly aimed mortar rounds, and we would return the volley with a few well placed artillery rounds. The chances of actually hitting them is slim. They always skedaddle before our rounds land. The main purpose of returning the serve is to deny them the opportunity to make an adjustment and fire for effect.
During one of the matches, they served with their foot on the line. I returned. A few minutes latter, I get a call from a SNAP VCP saying they had a vehicle pass by with a young child heavily injured with shrapnel wounds.
To start with,fren,I want to thank you for your service.It is not easy being involved
in a combat situation.When the enemy disregards the safety of non-combatants
and places them in harms way it can be very distressing and frustrating.
You served your country honourably,that is something to be very proud of.
Again,fren,I thank you,greatly,for your service.The Nation honours you and all the
other Veterans.
"You take the shot you have."
It was a sporting contest, lets call it Hadji Badminton. They would serve with a few badly aimed mortar rounds, and we would return the volley with a few well placed artillery rounds. The chances of actually hitting them is slim. They always skedaddle before our rounds land. The main purpose of returning the serve is to deny them the opportunity to make an adjustment and fire for effect.
During one of the matches, they served with their foot on the line. I returned. A few minutes latter, I get a call from a SNAP VCP saying they had a vehicle pass by with a young child heavily injured with shrapnel wounds.
To start with,fren,I want to thank you for your service.It is not easy being involved in a combat situation.When the enemy disregards the safety of non-combatants and places them in harms way it can be very distressing and frustrating.
You served your country honourably,that is something to be very proud of.
Again,fren,I thank you,greatly,for your service.The Nation honours you and all the other Veterans.