Watch Party: Karl Popper
Frames of reference, Perception information etc., Theoretical Knowledge and the Momentary Pragmatic Challenge to Theoretical Knowledge.
Interesting because it challenges paradigms, which is where we are now. The atmosphere is full of left/right black/white, science/propaganda, science/conjecture, science/fake science. The meta-trend is good vs evil and de-stabilisation vs. foundation-building.
How does one identify an ideology? When we cannot falsify it.
The argument for inductive Inferences, or empirical knowledge, are fundamental and powerful because they use visualisation, pattern recognition and use longitudinal analysis. This is the beauty of using qualitative methods: Documentation of thoughts, maps, reasoning etc. that is found here on this forum.
Popper describes the rush for scientists (also social scientists and psychologists) to use deductive reasoning in the traditional scientific model. We are still living in this paradigm and the problem is that many do not understand the capacity, scope and limitations of its principles. There is an argument for waiting and establishing the veracity of given knowledge, because there is a need to establish the limitations of given knowledge, BEFORE experimenting through intervention. However, this also brings uncertainty. This brings uncertainty to the entire paradigm. <==== We are here
Haha :) to those journalists who are forever spewing useless data, because they have realised the power of intervention and are driven by their need to prove themselves useful. Realise that this is their weak point: They use single data points, and infer huge stories from them. It is not scientific, especially because there is sufficient data out there to prove them wrong. Furthermore, they have a cross-sectional limitation, that they fail to spin into longitudinal dimensions. Just fragmented moments in time.
Popper's parable is: instead of building towers out of given knowledge, we must drive piles into the ground to establish a platform from which we can build for some time.
*"Where there is uncertainty, there are the problems... the main instigation for the search of truth" Popper 9:19. * Also: "The discovery of new problems is more important than the solution". This is where the power of this place becomes phenomenal: New Problems are easily found by others and investigated.
However, this becomes like finding a black hat in the dark. <==== :)
11:15 Critical pragmatism. - the search for truth in the form of criticism.
Popper's parable: Imagine building a castle wall higher and higher. It will never be high enough to establish certainty. We can buy a watchdog, and then we won't need such a high wall. The watchdog looks from the inside. <=== dog comms.
Therefore we must criticise our own theories, to get nearer to the truth.
15:14 The distinction between "I know" and "It is known", i.e subjective vs objective knowledge. The power of subjective knowledge. i.e pilots on a plane that is malfunctioning. Individual vs. failing system.
21:45 Evolutionary theory of knowledge We evolve through trial, error and the elimination of error. Life is problem solving.
For inductive warriors, the research methods seen here are often using maps and logic. Awesome. I am here for this stuff.
Data points are given, however, one must then be certain of their validity. it becomes essential then, to document the data with a filing system: This is our main defence of inductive visualisation. Keep Documents of the purpose of the original work, the author, the type of information collected, when, why and how the data was collected, and cross-referencing with other sources.
What software is good for relationships and inferenced thought processes? I am visualising a zoomable space where documents, images are pinned, stickied, written on, and can be moved. Think situational analysis, detective, spy, private eye etc.
What do you guys use? We need a word-cloud, attached in the file, or even software-generated with user-friendly apps? Security for those databases e.g. siloed from the internet. Backups?
TL:DR - Search for truth; paradigm shifts; dog symbolism - outward looking; importance of thinking for oneself; importance of keeping data filed and labelled in a decentralised situation, i.e. as an individual in the fight against a failing system.
What a non-Popperian thing to say. And just wrong, besides. There's uncertainty "all the way down". Foundationalism fails, but it's OK; we can deal with that.
You mean, not connected to the internet? An actual air gap?! So if someone wants to browse it or add to it they have to be on-site? Rather inconvenient.
Sounds like a challenging project. Have fun!
No connected to the internet is definitely a thing, but the problem is keeping it safe. Perhaps an individual does not have to worry so much.
That quote was describing the positivist paradigm, and he was criticising it, so yes you are right it is a non-Popperian thing to say, but he believes in critique. Also yes, "there's uncertainty all the way down". That is the whole point. The system of deductive reasoning and scientific thought, as developed during the enlightenment/neo-classical era, is evolving to include inferential, empirical knowledge.
That's the whole point, my friend.