the dems have basically said they will refuse to acknowledge the results of this, of course
so basically its up to us on how much of a shitfit we throw, nonviolently of course
ive heard over on TheDoomer that it will just lead to guidance on new election laws, fuck that, we cannot follow laws or executive orders if it is proven that our government illegally seized power to make those illegitimate laws, that especially includes DC statehood and Trump's impeachment
So what happens when it shows that Trump won the presidency?
the dems have basically said they will refuse to acknowledge the results of this, of course
so basically its up to us on how much of a shitfit we throw, nonviolently of course
ive heard over on TheDoomer that it will just lead to guidance on new election laws, fuck that, we cannot follow laws or executive orders if it is proven that our government illegally seized power to make those illegitimate laws, that especially includes DC statehood and Trump's impeachment
So 1776 it is.