Of course, leave it to the all the genius "researchers" here to fall for the tremulous doom routines from lightly-seasoned shill accounts who haven't posted here for two months until, you know, today. On cue, with all the others, like this one, and an incoming stream of others.
"Hey, he's an anon too, just like me!"
FFS folks. Get some discernment.
And cash your Soros checks quickly, shills. And pray that the imminent takedown of the conspiracy that stole this country doesn't extend to those who received cash ($13/hr!) to knowingly spread disinfo online. It will, of course. Why you would sell your soul and your freedom for chump change... is something you'll have many years to ask yourself.
Shills and doomers are both equally faggish.
Cut that shit out.
Yeah I just read all his comments and I’m not seeing any red flags. I agree with your post but I’m not sure you linked a good example.