Didn't care to give me the £1000 fine
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Please don't take my words as meaning I'm not paying attention and have my head in the sand. I stay informed and am constantly nagging my family and close friends with information they are reluctant to accept. By "hunker down and do my own thing" I meant I do not absorb the daily MSM propaganda, the Covid stats, the models, the forecasts etc, and I do as little to feed the machine as I can. I don't thoughtlessly spent my money or useless Made in China trash. I haven't eaten fast food since October. I cancelled my Prime membership around the same time and haven't used Amazon since long before then. I think I can honestly say that I haven't injected an unnecessary cent into the corrupt system in over 6 months. That's what I meant by hunkering down. I'm waiting for the people that are still too addicted to their own slavery to open their eyes. You are 100% right that people who choose to accept the distractions, play the game and ignore the harsh realities that are right in their faces are to blame for the situation we are in.