This pisses me off to no end. Aside from the children, I fight for the forgotten Vets, like myself. Y'all haven't forgot, but our fucking govt sure as fuck has. The V.A. is just as bad as it ever was. Maybe worse now, what with COVID restrictions, longer wait times, and the possibility of mando vaccines for Vets in the V.A. Healthcare system. For now, that's only a rumor, but if you want a clear look at "Socialized Healthcare" and what it really does, look no further than the V.A. Healthcare System. And if the govt ever does decide to make these "vaccines" mandatory, it will start with two Depts, DOD and V.A. We've long been the government's fucking throw away "guinea pigs." And it needs to
End the DS and it will be child’s play to subsequently end the dealers. The current fiasco is just a decades-old game to funnel $$ to the DS who use it to exacerbate the drug problem... just like they do with the poverty problem.
This pisses me off to no end. Aside from the children, I fight for the forgotten Vets, like myself. Y'all haven't forgot, but our fucking govt sure as fuck has. The V.A. is just as bad as it ever was. Maybe worse now, what with COVID restrictions, longer wait times, and the possibility of mando vaccines for Vets in the V.A. Healthcare system. For now, that's only a rumor, but if you want a clear look at "Socialized Healthcare" and what it really does, look no further than the V.A. Healthcare System. And if the govt ever does decide to make these "vaccines" mandatory, it will start with two Depts, DOD and V.A. We've long been the government's fucking throw away "guinea pigs." And it needs to
Don't feel bad for homeless people, MOST of them are homeless by choice, and make more money than you begging for change.
I've seen this first hand. They are lazy people who don't want a job. NEVER give a homeless person cash. Give them food if anything.
You don't feed wild animals, because they won't go find food.
We need a war on the DS asshats and [their] whole Cabalist system. Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out.
Exactly. This.
End the DS and it will be child’s play to subsequently end the dealers. The current fiasco is just a decades-old game to funnel $$ to the DS who use it to exacerbate the drug problem... just like they do with the poverty problem.
You know the answer to that, my fren