The "big revelation" we need is not that the AZ elections were sloppy and prone to fraud. We are not trying to uncover small crimes here.
The "big revelation" is what Mike Lindell has been trying to get us to understand: Our elections have been stolen by foreign powers, and it's been that way for some time.
What we need to uncover in AZ is not just enough votes to prove that Trump won -- that is mostly a moot issue knowing what we know now. (It's moot because whether Trump is president or not doesn't change the fact that foreign actors have stolen our elections for some time!)
We need to show that pretty much all of those people who won their elections won it through foreign interference. Not a few dollars here and there, or a few stolen ballots, but we need to show MOUNTAINS of ballots, telling the AZ voter that their votes were NEVER counted and NEVER mattered.
This is the sort of awakening we need: Elections never mattered, not for a long time. The people in power were put there by people trying to destroy us. And the ONLY way to fix this is the military.
Yes and but... some actually won without foreign interference. The “down ballot” victories that happened because the fraudsters didn’t physically have the time to fill out the entire ballot and only filled in “Biden for President” yeah, that actually happened.
So, although I agree with most of your statement, there is an exception.
No. Fraud vitiates everything. The votes are corrupted and illegitimate. The election fraud must be eradicated and new, accurate elections held (supervised or overseen by the military).
I don't know, all of the ballots are in question.
I would agree with you, but once we've proven massive fraud we can't accept everything else because we don't know what other fraud we haven't detected yet.